G50/G55 High Speed Carbide Gear Hob with AT Coating
2023-04-24 14:27:28
G50/G55 High Speed Carbide Gear Hob with AP Coating
base material: carbide G50 or G55
bore type gear hobs, BALINT ALTESA coating
solid carbide hobs for high speed gear hobbing, high hardness optimal selection.
recommended linear speed 150m/in-220m/min
recommended hob feed 0.15-0.35mm/r
oil cooling cutting environment
recommended hardness of processed material from HRC 45°-HRC 62° (secondary fine hobbing is recommended for HRC 56° to HRC 62°)
accuracy class DIN AA, AAA
solid carbide gear hob cutter with bore sizes: 8mm, 10mm,13mm, 16mm, 22mm, 27mm,32mm
tooth profile: DIN3972 stanard, for finishing cut
- Flank Worms of Worm Gear Hob
- Spline gear hob with Involute flanks to DIN 5480
- GB Standard Gear Hob with Module m1-m10
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Pre-grinding Gear Hobbing Cutter with Module m2.25
- PA20° Pre-shaving Gear Hob with Module m8
- PA20° DP10 Standard Hob Cutter with BPⅡ
- PA30° PCD 75mm Hub Type Gear Shaping Cutter with Module m3.5~m6