Recommended Coating for Gear Cutting Tools and Hobs
2022-08-22 10:52:37
Recommended Coating for Gear Cutting Tools and Hobs
1, Gold (TiN)
2, Futura Nano (TiALN)
3, Alcrona Pro (AlCrN)--AP coating
4, Altensa (AlCrNX)--AT coatig
5, Other coatings available on request
- Powder Metallurgy HSS ASP 2060
- HSS M35, M2E Gear Hob Cutter with Module
- Gear hobs with protuberance for involute gear froms
- Involute Spline Gear Hob with DIN 5482
- PA20° Standard Gear Milling Cutter with Module m12
- RS100 Roller Chain Sprocket Hob with Pitch 31.75 x Roller Dia. 19.05
- PA20° DP11 Standard Hob with BPⅡ